may 2004
5/15(sat): BradPittをみかけた。 |
←はヤフーニュースの画像。右の方に本格的カメラ持ってるやつがいると思うけどそのちょうど右に俺がいたの!奴は本物らしく台に乗ってたけどね。かなり出遅れてるね。良く見れば写ってるかも、携帯ぐらいは・・・。 |
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Amoxicillin is a penicillin antibiotic that fights bacteria. Amoxicillin is used to treat many different types of infection caused by bacteria, such as tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, gonorrhea, and infections of the ear, nose, throat, skin, or urinary tract. Amoxicillin is also sometimes used together with another antibiotic called clarithromycin (Biaxin) to treat stomach ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori infection. This combination is sometimes used with a stomach acid reducer called lansoprazole (Prevacid). There are many brands and forms of amoxicillin available and not all brands are listed on this leaflet. Can you purchase amoxicillin over the counter ?" "No." "Okay." She then showed me a pair of scissors and told me to cut open my chest. "You're in the hospital, so how are you going to pay for it?" I told her that would have to get a credit card for the insurance, and she said it couldn't be done. "Then we have to Amoxicillin 20mg $148.86 - $1.65 Per pill go a pharmacy." With the same expression she had when I asked the questions previously, she drug use in canada vs us said, "We can't do that. The insurance company wouldn't allow Kann man viagra in der apotheke ohne rezept kaufen them." And, there was only one thing to do: I said, "Then we have to go a pharmacy and we have to pay an extra ninety dollars." She did it and took my money. We went straight to the pharmacy and pharmacist went back behind the counter. I said, "You see, they just got me, and now the insurance won't cover me." "That's right," she said. "They just had this surgery last week. He just had surgery on his heart." We went through the whole procedure again, and it went flawlessly. The insurance agent had a funny look on her face and asked, "Who are you?" The pharmacist said, "I'm the one selling this medication. I'm just a customer." I couldn't stop smiling. As she was passing the package to me pay, she said, "If there are a lot of antibiotics, you don't have to spend so much money on them right? It's all right if you just choose the smallest one. It's all right if you buy them all at once." I said, "Thank you so much." The pharmacist gave me her customer ID and asked me to come back. My next doctor was even worse. I was still feeling dizzy and the pharmacy had refused to help me. My next doctor looked like a complete freak. He looked like was wearing a suit from Hell. I took the same test that every other doctor did and it came out to 80% as high when I'd taken the test at first one, but he still refused to see me. His staff came up to me and said, "What's wrong, you're so tired." I said, "I'm sick. I just took this test. didn't do anything bad." "You're sick. We can't see you," the staff was saying. I told him, "The problem is my test came out 80% as high my last test." He said, "No, it didn't, you took a bad test." "How am I supposed to tell someone can't see them? I've taken a lot of tests can i buy amoxicillin over the counter in mexico in my life, I've had eyes checked for cancer in the past, and I'm still blind. Now I can't see." I called the hospital and they came to my house and took the test. I had a heart that was beating about 30% slower than it'd been. The doctor who saw me said my heart was beating at one time more than 100 beats an hour. That is about two times the rate of regular heart failure, but even though I still don't |